It is the mind of God to restore every being after the fall of man in the Garden of Eden. His love towards us cannot allow Him to abandon us; that was why He sent His son to come for man's restoration.
The problem of man now is the enemy that does not want them to return to God. Why? Because he has lost the opportunity of returning to heaven forever. Therefore, he has plans to stop every man by all means.
STOP IT is a unique book written via the inspiration of the Holy Spirit to enlighten the believers on some of the devices employed by the devil for his mission.
His mission from the onset has always been to steal, kill, and destroy. The weapons employed by the devil to accomplish his task in the lives of believers are represented by the word STOP IT.
It is expedient for you to STOP IT now and disallow the devil from using the weapons of STOP IT to STOP your journey to heaven.
What are you to STOP? What you need to STOP is the answer you must find out from this anointed book because knowing what to STOP put you in a better position to overcome the weapons of STOP IT, thereby STOP Satan's operations in your life and finally making it to heaven.
Follow me as we walk together in this journey and give the devil the blows he deserves. God bless you.