'My heart is stirred by a noble theme ...' (Psalm 45:1)
The Old Testament prophets spoke oracles from God - but the theology of the Psalms arises from the daily lives of his people. The New Testament apostles expounded the death and resurrection of Christ through sermon and epistle - but the Christology of the Psalms is expressed in poetry. The Gospels show us Jesus in the flesh, teaching, healing, dying and rising. In the Psalms we are invited to accompany him on his journey of suffering, trust and vindication.
What are we to do with such unique theology? How should we hear it as Christians? How can it shape our life together, and our lives as individuals?
The goal of this stimulating volume, based on the 2012 Moore College School of Theology, is to help us hear the message of the Psalms - as a story, as prophecy, as theology, as poetry, as praise - and to explore its application for the people of God today, whether in joy or pain, perplexity or persecution, politics or mission.
The contributors are Greg Anderson, Kit Barker, Andrew Cameron, James Hely Hutchinson, Seumas Macdonald, David Peterson, Andrew Shead, Andrew Sloane, Tara Stenhouse, Mark Thompson, John Woodhouse and Dan Wu.