Stepping into the Kingdom 4 Kids is a Bible-study book that helps kids learn how to live under the rule of King Jesus and by His kingdom rules. This resource will help them understand what it means to live fully and freely in the kingdom of God. It will also show them how to help others make Jesus their King and live under His kingdom rule.
Everywhere Jesus went, He told people about turning from sin and turning to obedience by following the King and His kingdom. Jesus was telling the world that He was the King and Savior they had been waiting for, and that all could be a part of His kingdom by choosing to follow Him. He came to earth so that His royal authority and power could set all people free from sin and Satan's rule. He then gave His kingdom authority to His followers and commanded them to take this kingdom message to everyone, everywhere. As kids make a decision to step into His kingdom, they will get to share that same message of His kingdom, too.
As kids make their way through this resource they will be welcomed into the kingdom and learn about:
Kingdom fullness through new birth, water baptism and the baptism and filling with the Holy SpiritKingdom fellowship as children in God's family, members of Christ's Body and soldiers in the Lord's armyKingdom freedom as they repent, release and resistWhen kids step into the fullness, fellowship and freedom of Christ's kingdom, their lives will never be the same
Although this book is for kids of any age to be led through by a parent or leader in their life, the writing is geared toward kids ages 7-12. Stepping into the Kingdom 4 Kids is the second book in the CORE4Kids discipleship series.