Stay Connected to Christ is another book written by Pastor David Amoah from the 'In The Way Series(R), a series of books, messages, daily guides, CDs and DVDs, designed to aid both Believers and Unbelievers in their personal walk with The Lord, Jesus Christ. Stay Connected to Christ seeks to remind everyone Believers and Unbelievers about the significance of having Jesus Christ at the centre of their universe. It further demonstrates that he is the only true vine that has the power to connect them to God for the source of their existence and spiritual sustenance. It clearly illustrates that without Jesus Christ the true vine, there is no connection to God the father. And Without him, no one can do anything. As it is said - without the thumb, no one can do knotting.
Stay Connected to Christ emphasizes that Jesus Christ is 'The Way, The Truth, and The Life' and the only one who guarantees eternal life. He's the only one God has given his seal of approval to that effect. Staying connected to him not only guarantees eternal life, but also provides the guarantee of security and stability in life here on earth. Stay Connected to Christ powerfully informs the reader that those who abide or remain in Christ will always enjoy the care of God the father. This in turn will enable them to bear good fruits at all in all seasons. That means they will always enjoy God's blessing as their fruit brings glory to him. This wonderful book is not only valuable as a tool for those who want to bear good fruit. It also serves as a reminder that those 'who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint .Isaiah 40:31 (NKJV).