A bare-bones yet entertaining sports almanac that delivers on a simple premise.
Kirkus Reviews
Never Lose Heart - Sports Heroes Who Overcame the Odds
In 1975, Pete Black quit the University of Alabama baseball team as a 22-year-old senior. More than 45 years later, he still regrets his decision. He knows the agony of quitting-the pain of giving up on a dream. For the past decade, Pete has been a popular weekly columnist for his small hometown paper, the Monroe Journal. His columns feature short, non-fiction stories about real people who never lost heart.
Never Lose Heart - Sports Heroes Who Overcame the Odds is a collection of 70 sports and adventure stories sure to inspire readers of all ages. From Roger Bannister eclipsing the impossible-to-break 4-minute mile barrier, to Erik Weihenmayer, the first blind climber to summit Mt. Everest, there are plenty of stories for everyone.
Read about Jackie Robinson's courage in breaking baseball's color barrier and about the six minutes that stunned the world as the under-regarded University of Washington crew team spoiled Adolf Hitler's 1936 Olympics.
This book is an extraordinary collection of stories that pass along a lesson Pete learned more than four decades ago. Never give up!