French ruled or S y s paper is the standard lined paper used by students in France and is as commonly used in France as college ruled paper is used in the USA.
We designed this notebook so it can be used for practicing Spencerian Script, Palmer Method Script, Writing in French, Writing in Arabic, and Calligraphy.
Spencerian script is an oval-based penmanship style that can be written quickly and legibly.
French-ruled paper is the school standard in France. Its U.S. equivalent would be the college-ruled paper.
8mm X 8mm grid with lighter horizontal lines spaced 2mm apart inside the main grid. Left marginBlank header and footerUse the vertical grid lines are useful to add a guide to written essays etc. Keep indentations at the beginning of a paragraph consistent using these vertical lines.Other uses:
Record lab resultsBookkeepingCreate matricesCreate grading rubrics. Create crossword and SodukoThe sky is the limit
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