The Aaron Thanos Action Adventure Time-travel Series
This four book action adventure series follows the misadventures of twelve-year-olds Aaron and Manar as they're swept back into Ancient Egypt and face a host of vengeful Gods and Goddesses determined to stop them from finding their way back home. They must outwit a plotting vizier, help Tutankhamun win a war against Kush invaders, and learn to decipher hieroglyphic spells from the Book of the Dead. Manar botches a spell that hurls them back to Ancient Greece, testing their friendship and exiling them on separate journeys. Their relationship deteriorates on this perilous adventure where spells from The Pyramid Texts bring forth different gods and new obstacles. While writing a book about time-travel, ancient curses draw Manar into the afterlife where she can no longer contact Aaron and fears he wouldn't come to find her even if she could.