Special Edition Using Groove gives the reader a quick overview of what Groove is capable of. This content will be comprised of screenshots and other graphics to explain the concepts. More technical readers will be able to more quickly develop applications with the Groove framework and completely understand how their new application operates "behind the scenes." Tables and other supporting materials will be included to make this book an excellent flip-to-page-X reference.
Programmers planning to develop with the Groove framework will need this book to jump-start his or her application development. Those who have read articles about Groove need this book to see real life applications of the product. Those who have been frustrated with Groove's poor documentation need this book.
Bill Pitzer is a member of the Pervasive Technology Group at Divine/Whittman-Hart consulting, formerly marchFIRST. His background includes certification in both networking (MCSE+I) and development (MCSD). As a consultant, he is responsible for educating Business Development personnel on the prospects of peer-to-peer technology. His MBA from Xavier University also gives him a background in business that makes him comfortable talking not only about the technical aspects, but also the strategic aspects of technology. Bill is also a regular contributor to WebTechniques magazine, Microsoft Web Builder, and ASPToday.com.