Holy Spirit spoke these words to me as I was preparing to write this book:
"This is one of the most important messages and steps that people take in walking with God. If they don't get this, they won't have the success the Father wants to give them and they will go around in circles frustrated throughout their lives, wanting to know and follow Me but not knowing how to listen carefully enough to hear and obey My instructions. This is essential for all of God's children to enter into the manifestation of the sons and daughters of God in this current age of the Kingdom."
One of the hardest things for most people to do is hear the voice of Holy Spirit and have confidence in what He is telling them. In this book you will learn how to listen to and discern what Holy Spirit is saying. You will learn who He is and what His job has been from the beginning. He wants to create a beautiful garden in you that reflects the image of God. He wants to be your Helper, Advocate and Friend. He wants to have daily communion with you and help you to follow Jesus.
In this book, we discuss spiritual gifts, what they are and how they work. I explain the different ways we receive from Holy Spirit, including through dreams, visions, the five senses and hearing His still small voice. You will hear testimonies that help to understand the principles that are being taught. You will learn:Holy Spirit holds the answers to the greatest mysteries in your life, and He is waiting to take you on an amazing treasure hunt that will last your entire life until it's your time to move to heaven. He is so amazing! He loves you unconditionally and endlessly. He is always with you no matter where you go or what you do. But it is imperative to understand His ways, purposes, plans and personality to receive the greatest benefit of walking hand in hand with Holy Spirit.
With this book, I want to help you have success in following God throughout your life and to avoid the pitfalls and frustrating circles of failure that we so easily fall into. Why does it seem hard for some people to hear the voice of God and obey, while others seem to hear clearly? Or at least they say they hear clearly? Let us look to the Word of God, the power source, and discover together how to partner with God through Holy Spirit.
Join me on this journey to understand and hear Holy Spirit speak louder every day.