'SPEAK JAMAICAN' is a comprehensive instructional tool that outlines the grammar of Jamaican Creole. It is designed for the English speaker who wishes to speak fluent Jamaican Creole as opposed to "parroting" words and phrases. The book includes 21 lessons that delve extensively into the pronunciation, syntax, and parts of speech of Jamaican Creole. A simple, consistent pronunciation and alphabetical system is outlined in the book for effortless speaking and writing. The rules governing pronunciation and syntax are included as well as information that will help the reader to understand how these rules came about.
'SPEAK JAMAICAN' outlines the tenses of Jamaican Creole, including regular, irregular, and infinitive verb formations. Jamaican Creole tenses, although generally simple and consistent, can have multiple verb formations. In addition, the dialect can vary slightly in different parishes of the country. These variations and alternative verb formations are considered when addressing the tenses of Jamaican Creole. A discussion of the formation of plural adjectives, adverbs, nouns, and pronouns is included in this book. The book also discusses the passive voice, making a sentence negative, asking questions, showing ownership, forming adjectives and adverbs, giving commands, and grammatical structures unique to Jamaican Creole. Each lesson has a vocabulary list and practice exercises that utilize words most commonly used in everyday conversations.
The reader is also introduced to Jamaican proverbs. These are essential to the character of the dialect as these are sewn seamlessly into everyday conversations. Reading comprehensions that are a culmination of the tenets of Jamaican Creole grammar are included to help the reader to improve their reading ability. The book also includes a list of frequently asked questions, commonly used expressions, and a sample of Jamaican Creole verbs conjugated by tense.
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