Preface.- Introduction: Can Aybek, Johannes Huinink and Raya Muttarak: Migration, Spatial Mobility, and Living Arrangements: an Introduction.- Part 1: Union and Family Formation, Partner Choice and International Migration: Can Aybek, Gaby Stra burger & İlknurY?ksel-Kaptanoğlu: Marriage Migration from Turkey to Germany: Risks and Coping Strategies of Transnational Couples.- Ceren Topg?l: Family Influence on Partner Choice of Second Generation: What are the Experiences of Turkish Origin Women in Switzerland?.- David Glowsky: Fertility in Marriages between German Men and Marriage Migrants.- Part 2: Job-Related Mobility and its Impacts on Consensual Unions and Familial Relationships: Gil Viry & St?phanie Vincent-Geslin: Under Which Conditions Can Intensive Commuting Be a Way of Life?.- Michael Feldhaus & Monika Schlegel: Living Apart Together and Living Together Apart: Impacts of Partnership-Related and Job-Related Circular Mobility on Partnership Quality.- Stefanie A. Kley: The Impact of Job-Related Mobility and Migration Intentions on Union Dissolution.- Part 3: Spatial Mobility and its Relations with Family Life Course Events and Living Arrangements: Bruno Arpino, Raya Muttarak & AgneseVitali: Comparing Living Arrangements of Immigrant Young Adults in Spain and the US.- Therese L?tzelberger: The Residential Independence of Italian and German University Students and Their Perception of the Labour Market.- Michaela Schier: Post-Separation Families: Spatial Mobilities and the Need to Manage Multi-Local Everyday Life.- Nadja Milewski & Anett Loth: Residential Mobility in the Second Half of Life: The Role of Family-Related Transitions and Retirement.