*AUTHORS NOTE: This book was made to set the facts straight about Spanish Marie who I produce a rum I her honor. ALL profit checks from Amazon go directly to a local Key West charities that we already fundraise for. Many things written about the amazing women were not true, these are the facts *
Spanish Marie: A Spirit Unbound" is a thrilling biographical odyssey that takes readers through the life of Maria, a woman whose journey begins in the rich cultural tapestry of Andalusia, Spain, and unfolds across the tempestuous seas of Prohibition-era America. Born amidst the passion of flamenco and the Mediterranean sun, Maria's life is transformed when her family moves to Cuba. Here, she delves into the world of sugar cane and rum, developing skills that will define her storied life.
Forced into an arranged marriage, Maria's indomitable spirit cannot be contained. She leaves her old life behind, rich not in money but in knowledge and resilience. Her arrival in Key West introduces her to Charlie Waite, and together they dive into the dangerous but lucrative world of rum-running. Their love burns bright against the backdrop of clandestine operations and the constant threat of capture.
In the wake of tragedy, Maria, now known as Spanish Marie, emerges as a formidable force, steering her fleet against the grain of societal expectations. Her prowess in navigation, strategy, and leadership during the Prohibition era earns her the title of "The Bad Bitch," a mark of respect for her unparalleled tenacity.
As Prohibition ends, so does a chapter in Marie's life, but her legacy is far from over. She returns to Miami, evolves with the times, and continues to inspire generations. Her story is a testament to the power of the human spirit to overcome and adapt, leaving an indelible mark on history.
"Spanish Marie: A Spirit Unbound" is more than a tale of rum-running; it's a story of a woman's courage, ingenuity, and her unyielding fight for autonomy. Dive into the pages to explore the life of a legend, whose legacy lives on in every bottle of Key West Legal Rum and in the hearts of all who champion the rebellious spirit.