In the quiet solitude of our own presence, we are never alone. When we meditate and pray, we can feel this. In times of extreme duress or unadulterated joy, we can feel this. We are surrounded by the Light of our own Being (Higher Self). This Self is divine, all knowing, pure with unconditional love and always accessible to us. At a predetermined time chosen by our Soul, our divine Self will awaken within us.
In 1989, at age 19, I was given an unexpected and electrifying prophetic message of our future and told by an inner Voice "the event" (as I came to call it) would begin in the middle of my life. Galvanized by curiosity and certainty, I sprinted down the path of spiritual awakening. My ongoing search for answers and understanding led me to a dramatic spiritually transformative experience that rocked me to my core, and sent me on an incredible voyage of healing and self-discovery.
Soul to the World eloquently explains through the author's own experiences why we cannot move forward on our spiritual journey to Oneness (which is the goal of every single Soul), without identifying, forgiving, healing, and permanently letting go of our hidden wounds. Woven within this profound personal journey is practical information the reader can use to support their own healing and live the life they were meant for.