There is a hidden heart, a secret soul in each of us. How often do we listen to its whispers?
Songs from My Soul is an inspiring collection of songs, verse, and stories spoken into life by the voice of the author's seeking soul, and expressed with tenderness and truth. From the beginning of time, mankind has witnessed the power of soul songs. As words brought the universe into being, dividing land and sea, creating every living thing, in that same creative moment, our souls were given words to comfort and guide us. Our souls create our lives when we learn to listen. Our inner wisdom is waiting for us to awaken to our own healing, strength, and clarity.
Songs from My Soul is both personal and universal--an inspiration that does not belong to one man but which chose one man as a vessel of expression. These images and ideas will bring you closer to your own spirit, so that you too may learn to teach and guide yourself and others. Immerse yourself in the beauty of one soul's truth, and be renewed by the wisdom and comfort meant for all souls.
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