An archive of digital ideas--printed out, scanned, redigitized, and sent to the printer's.
Several printers mounted beneath the gallery's ceiling tirelessly spit out sheets that slowly glide to the floor and stay where they land. For his project Somewhere sideways, down, at an angle, but very close, Florian Meisenberg (b. Berlin, 1980; lives and works in New York) invited friends, artists, and curators to send pictures and messages to the printers. His paintings often render digital motifs; his videos, by contrast, present an analog material reality. In the exhibition space, the participants' ephemeral digital transmissions suddenly gain physical and tangible presence, adding an unwonted new dimension to Meisenberg's work. The artist eventually collected all sheets; this book is his idiosyncratic presentation of asample from the output. Far from a linear documentation of the project, it expands on it, transforming it into a brilliant work of printed matter that is a must-have for any Florian Meisenberg fan. It comes with an Augmented Reality app that lets the user translate all posts into sound and experience the choreography of images in the space-time fabric of the book.
With essays by Brian Droitcou, Gia Edzgveradze, David Geers und M nica de la Torre.