concerned with the study of recognition phenomena and studies all kinds of interactions where no formation of covalent bonds with reacting species. Lehn described supramolecular chemistry as "the chemistry beyond molecules" Lehn, 1988] The importance of this field was emphasized further when Lehn, Cram and Pederson were awarded Noble Prize for their work on molecular recognition in 1987. The host-guest type complexes formation was a break through development where a guest specifically binds to a host. Cyclodextrins are more accurate and important cyclic structures, among various studied hosts. They have been described as "Unique seductive molecules" Mandalia et al.,2012]. Cyclodextrins were discovered by Villiers in 1891, isolated CDs from a culture of Bacillus amylobacter, grown on a medium of starch. The crystalline product obtained was named as cellulosine by Villiers since it resembled cellulose Villiers,1891] In 1903, Schardinger isolated and study CDs, on the basis of his studies CDs are also referred to as Schardinger's dextrins Schardinger,1903]. In the early literature CDs were also referred as cycloamylose, cycloglycoamylose etc. y-CD (cyclomaltooctaose) was discovered by Freudenberg Frendenberg etal.,1935 ]. The structure of CDs established by Freudenberg, and issued by Ewald and others Ewald et al.,1936, Karrer etal.,1921, Miekeley,1932]. In 1950s, French and co-workers observed the chemical process for the manufacturing of CDs and larger CDs alivement was also confirmed French 1957].Firstly Cramer, uncover the potentialability of CDs as complex forming agents and assessed the ability of CDs to form a complex with different types of drug molecules Cramer et. al, 1954