lvaro Vizca no transforma su incre ble experiencia al borde de la muerte en una novela inspiradora y llena de fuerza.
Me di cuenta de que a todo el mundo le costaba explicarse c mo sobreviv , y de que al relatar la historia causaba una fuerte impresi n a quien la escuchaba. Mis amigos me dec an que iban a dejar su trabajo, o que lo hab an pensado mejor y se iban a quedar con su novia, y cosas as . Parec a que mi historia era de las que marcaban un antes y un despu s, as que me decid a escribirla. Buen viaje y buenas olas .- lvaro Vizca no
September 2014, Fuerteventura Island. In search of the perfect wave, a surfer falls down a cliff. He is able to survive for 48 hours lost, alone, with his body badly beaten, and a broken hip, yet overcoming ruthless and unyielding forces of nature as well as his own fears in order to survive.
Alvaro Vizcaino transforms his incredible experience on the threshold of death into a strong and inspiring novel.
"I realized that everyone had a hard time understanding how I survived, and that telling my story made an impact on people. Many friends later would come to me and tell me that they were going to quit their jobs, or that they had re-evaluated their relationships and were going to stay with their girlfriends, and other things like that. It seemed as though my story was one of those that marked a before and after in people, so I decided to write it down." -Alvaro Vizcaino