So You Want to Be an Insurance Agent: The Next Generation Tech-Driven Agency
In today's high-tech world, small business owners must recognize the critical importance of incorporating AI tools to stay competitive. These transformative technologies have the power to revolutionize operations, automate tasks, improve accuracy, and save costs. From customer support to marketing and analytics, AI-based solutions are becoming essential for business survival. Agents who embrace these technologies and use them to build stronger relationships will thrive, while those who resist will get swallowed up by Direct Writers.
Since 1996, Jeff has recruited, trained, and coached some of the most successful insurance agents in the United States. And now, as CEO of Ivy Consulting Group (ICG), Jeff shares what he has learned to help you grow in this new age of technology.
In addition to providing proven strategies and an expert outlook of the industry's future, Jeff provides a business plan, employment contracts, and sales scripts in the back of this book. If you are serious about building a thriving agency, So You Want to Be an Insurance Agent gives you a complete system to develop, manage and grow your business in this rapidly changing environment.