'SNAIL' is a book about loving what you have. It is about diversity, love, and acceptance.
Snail has a shell that is too big and rattles in the wind, so goes out looking for a smaller shell that is more fitting in size. On the way, Snail meets up with a grasshopper, a ladybug, a worm, a bird, a butterfly, and a bee, all of whom have no place to be because they have no home for all different reasons. They offer to help Snail find a smaller shell, and Snail accepts, with each of them jumping inside the large shell, one by one. After six different friends have climbed inside Snail's shell, a joyous commotion ensues amongst them, with Snail stopping suddenly to realize the advantages of the large shell, after all, and no longer wishes to continue the search.
Perfect for both boys and girls.