"Smuggler's Dues" picks up where "Jealousy Burning" left off............. "No one can believe that Marty has dumped Mark and is now seeing Phillip, the guy who not only stalked her but also burned her house! What is she thinking?!
In Smuggler's Dues you will read how this came about and how the lure of easy money gets Phillip involved with a Mexican drug operation. You'll enjoy the author's development of the characters.
See where it leads when Marty's new affluent friends, Dee Dee and Bob introduce her to a higher way of living and get her hooked on Marijuana and cocaine.
Smuggler's Dues is an adventurous ride from the streets of a small suburb in Ohio to the gulf coast of Florida to the Yucatan peninsula and back. This story is hard to put down and has the ending to Phillip that you have waited for."