Gail Amity has practiced forms of social work for 53 years, eventually specializing in anxiety and trauma resolution using art psychotherapy and dream work, among other techniques. Gail has been state licensed for 23 years at this writing. She has facilitated literally thousands of individual, family, and group counseling sessions, learning along with her clients.
As a mature woman, Gail has become more mindful, and that is making a difference. She wants everyone to know the human subconscious is still highly operative, accessible, and critical to human growth and development, although it is often overlooked by today's "behavioral health" industries. She believes the subconscious is where trauma can hide.
In her private time, Ms. Amity has legally and illegally used cannabis or marijuana for just over 50 years. She has suffered some consequences, but on balance wants to continue doing so while reducing harm to her health, until she becomes an ancestor. This is her first nonfiction book, intended to share with the public what she has learned over a lifetime of fun, crimes, and harm reduction.
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