Smell the Gunpowder: The Land of the Morning Calm is inspired by true events and veterans' firsthand accounts of Americans who served in Korea. Because of these veterans, the Republic of Korea remains a free sovereign nation and one of the strongest and wealthiest countries in Asia. Today, North Korea continues to have a nuclear arsenal and is one of the most militarized countries in the world-creating a critical security challenge. Concerns about North Korea and its intentions remain at the highest level since the end of the 1950s and 1960s Korean Conflicts. South Korea has urged the United States and North Korea to formally reach a peace agreement ending the decades-long conflict. The outcome of a peace agreement is uncertain, and Smell the Gunpowder makes no pretense of providing the complete account of the undeclared, unconventional struggles that have gripped Korea since 1945, although it may serve to refocus attention on a most intriguing chapter in the annals of American and Korean history.