Set inside a rich forest scene, this story introduces Charlie - the chimpanzee who just wants to be included, accepted and loved. Charlie is a cheeky chimpanzee who is full of tricks. He thinks he can do anything, but the other animals of the forest aren't so sure. Surely, someone so small should never be allowed to play with them...
This enchanting picture book is a perfect bedtime favourite for children 3 to 8 and has been recognised by the Times Educational Supplement for its value in promoting inclusion:
The rich, vibrant illustrations of the animals doing all of the things many children love to do will leave the reader enchanted by the magical forest world. With a world of vivid colour and engaging characters filling each page, the illustrations alone provide entertainment that can be enjoyed time and time again. The interactive elements at the end of the book leave children delighted, as they help the other animals seek Charlie among the thick undergrowth. Especially if they can spot him before the grown ups
This moral tale, where Charlie is left out because of his size, explores the concept of differences and equality in the most sensitive of ways and leaves readers with a world of opportunity for discussion. Charlie's initial struggle for inclusion evokes great empathy - as he seeks acceptance - leaving children firmly on his side. His rise to become accepted by the other animals comes with a sense of great triumph as he proves himself and is welcomed into the game of forest football. With his new found friends, Charlie finds happiness and, as they continue to play, he finds that being small can be useful after all. Such is Charlie's success, the other animals soon find themselves needing a little help from us...