Benefits of Journaling Include:
Clarity of emotions, thoughts and feelings. Writing thoughts down without editing or filtering helps to get in touch with your inner world.
Reduces stress. Writing about painful emotions like sadness, anger and disappointment helps you to release the intensity of these feelings and emotions.
Writing in a journal is a safe place to let go of disturbing emotions.
Healing. Often when writing out your feelings, emotions and worries you will discover that you are much stronger than you think you are which leads to finding automatic solutions. Studies have shown that active journaling helps with emotional release, reduces stress, anxiety and induces better sleep quality.
Journal Features:
7.5" X 9.25" Soft glossy cover. LARGER size than most. To write more stuff.
120 Pages (60 single double sided) with wide lines for writing big ideas and plans.
Great size to throw in your bag for work or school.
Makes great gifts for special occasions.Wealthy Lotus strives to create fun, bright, colorful journals for you to write down your biggest dreams and desires. Get creative by journaling today