1. In Vivo Genetic Alteration and Lineage Tracing of Single Stem Cells by Live Imaging
Olivia Farrelly, Paola Kuri, and Panteleimon Rompolas
2. Ex Vivo Imaging and Genetic Manipulation of Mouse Hair Follicle Bulge Stem Cells
Daniel Haensel, Melissa A. McNeil, and Xing Dai
3. Quantitative Detection of Low-Abundance Transcripts at Single-Cell Level in Human Epidermal Keratinocytes by Digital Droplet Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction
Fr?d?ric Auvr?, Julien Coutier, Mich?le T. Martin, and Nicolas O. Fortunel
4. Qualitatively Monitoring Binding and Expression of the Transcription Factors Sp1 and NFI as a Useful Tool to Evaluate the Quality of Primary Cultured Epithelial Stem Cells in Tissue Reconstruction
Ga?tan Le-Bel, Sergio Cortez Ghio, Danielle Larouche, Lucie Germain, and Sylvain L. Gu?rin
5. Ribonucleoproteins Mediated Efficient In Vivo Gene Editing in Skin Stem Cells
Wenbo Wu and Ting Chen
6. Isolation and Characterization of Cutaneous Epithelial Stem Cells
Stephanie R. Gillespie and David M. Owens
7. Interfollicular Epidermal Stem Cells: Boosting and Rescuing from Adult Skin
Mariana T. Cerqueira, Ana M. Frias, Rui L. Reis, and Alexandra P. Marques
8. Whole-Mount Immunofluorescent Staining Coupled to Multicolour Lineage Tracing Model for Analyzing the Spatio-Temporal Organization of Epidermal Stem Cells
Edwige Roy and Kiarash Khosrotehrani
9. Isolation and Enrichment of Newborn and Adult Skin Stem Cells of the Interfollicular Epidermis
Stefano Sol, Dario Antonini, and Caterina Missero
10. Isolation and Cultivation of Epidermal (Stem) Cells
Xusheng Wang, Shiyang Dong, and Yaojiong Wu
11. One-Step Simple Isolation Method to Obtain Both Epidermal and Dermal Stem Cells from Human Skin Specimen
Hua Qian, Xue Leng, Jie Wen, Qian Zhou, Xin Xu, and Xunwei Wu
12. Isolation and Cultivation of Skin-Derived Precursors
Xiaoxiao Wang, Shiyang Dong, and Yaojiong Wu
13. Magnetic-Based Cell Isolation Technique for the Selection of Stem Cells
Petek Korkusuz, Sevil K?se, Nilg?n Yersal, and Selin ?nen
14. Isolation of Human Skin Epidermal Stem Cells Based on the Expression of Endothelial Protein C Receptor
Meilang Xue, Suat Dervish, and Christopher J. Jackson
15. Decellularized bSIS-ECM as a Regenerative Biomaterial for Skin Wound Repair
Mahmut Parmaksiz, Ayşe Eser El?in, and Yaşar Murat El?in
16. Protocols for Full Thickness Skin Wo