A destitute young lady is swept off her feet by a swashbuckling baron - the stuff that fairytales and Hollywood movies are made of... But, this timeless tale of Lady Frankland, (Agnes Surriage) is made up of more than fairy dust and cinema scope
The "Pygmalion" style love story faced the challenges posed by society shunning the differences between the aristocracy and commoners. The baron creates a charming life for the two to share in a luxurious mansion in Hopkinton, thirty miles west of Boston. Removing them from the busy tongues of Colonial Boston, that echoed across the pond to cosmopolitan London.
Despite the conflicts inflicted on the hero and heroine, the two were inseparable and beat all odds. Ultimately, Agnes, rises to become, " The Lady Frankland," winning the affections of her once opposers, both in Boston and London.