1. Introduction to Optical Tweezers: Background, System Designs, and Commercial Solutions
Joost van Mameren, Gijs J. L. Wuite, and Iddo Heller
2. Optical Trapping and Unfolding of RNA
Katherine H. White and Koen Visscher
3. DNA Unzipping and Force Measurements with a Dual Optical Trap
Isma?l Ciss?, Pierre Mangeol, and Ulrich Bockelmann
4. Probing the Force Generation and Stepping Behavior of Cytoplasmic Dynein
Arne Gennerich and Samara L. Reck-Peterson
5. A Brief Introduction to Single-molecule Fluorescence Methods
Siet M.J.L. van den Wildenberg, Bram Prevo, and Erwin J.G. Peterman
6. Fluorescent Labeling of Proteins
Mauro Modesti
7. Fluorescence Imaging of Single Kinesin Motors on Immobilized Microtubules
Till Korten, Bert Nitzsche, Chris Gell, Felix Ruhnow, C?cile Leduc, and Stefan Diez
8. Exploring Protein Superstructures and Dynamics in Live Bacterial Cells using Single-molecule and Superresolution Imaging
Julie S. Biteen, Lucy Shapiro, and W. E. Moerner
9. Fluorescence Microscopy of Nanochannel-confined DNA
Fredrik Persson, Fredrik Westerlund, and Jonas O. Tegenfeldt
10. Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy
Patrick Ferrand, J?r?me Wenger, and Herv? Rigneault
11. Introduction to Atomic Force Microscopy
Pedro J. de Pablo
12. Sample Preparation for SFM Imaging of DNA, Proteins, and DNA-protein Complexes
Dejan Ristic, Humberto Sanchez, and Claire Wyman
13. Single Molecule Protein Unfolding and Refolding using Atomic Force Microscopy
Thomas Bornschl?gl and Matthias Rief
14. How to Perform a Nanoindentation Experiment on a Virus
Wouter H. Roos
15. Magnetic Tweezers for Single-molecule Manipulation
Yeonee Seol and Keir C. Neuman
16. Probing DNA topology using Tethered Particle Motion
David Dunlap, Chiara Zurla, Carlo Manzo, and Laura Finzi