Welcome! Thank you for joining me on my adventures of the unknown. Sight Unseen is full of breathtaking, amazing pictures of images that are not from this world. It is so rare to capture moments of the unseen; the sightings you keep to yourself because they are so special and because you wonder if anyone will believe you. These pictures have awakened me to such a grander vision of our world and our universe. I hope that along the way, you will see something that resonates with you. Something that opens your mind and your eyes to what else may be around us. Some sight that has been unseen by you...until now.
About the Author
Heidi's family is an important part of her life. Embarking on new adventures brings her peace and balance. From inspiring creativity in the youth through art classes, to volunteering for years with the Special Olympics, Heidi Hooper's specialty is people. Her energy speaks for itself and her strength is unmatched. Her spiritual ascension has given her gifts of aiding in the energetic healing of people and animals alike. Heidi has a special love for life that has allowed her to remain open to unseen possibilities.
TikTok: @heidi_sightunseen