Through her books, Ang lique also raises children's awareness of Nature and ecology through stories that are always touching and beautifully illustrated by her.
Among her books, here is the one about premature babies.......................................
Your child was born prematurely and would like to know the beginning of its life?Or does your child have a premature little sister or brother and has a lot of questions about him or her?
The association Angelique's stories puts itself at the children's level to explain to them all the medical journey of babies born too early, but also all the emotional feelings of the parents during the whole period of hospitalization of the little ones.Take your child by the hand and take him to a neonatal intensive care unit where he will discover how babies are welcomed and cared for from birth.
Detailed guided tour with beautiful illustrationsYour child will also discover how Mum and Dad feel when they first visit the unit, but also how the doctors take care of and look after babies at the slightest alert from the incubators.
Your child will also understand why a premature baby sometimes has to stay in the hospital for several months before he or she can go home. He will also see that he can come to the hospital to see his little sister or brother and ask questions to the doctors, or talk to a psychologist if he feels anxious.He will understand so well that he will be able to act as a "doctor" to his schoolmates to talk to them about his birth or that of his little sister or brother
Each double page has an illustration to accompany the explanations and thus help the children to better understand their story or that of their little sister or brother.Caesarean section births, the reasons why some babies are born far too early, why some of them do not survive.
And yes, with the touching story of Shooting Star the Little Heroine in our book, your child will be able to understand all this so that there will be no more mystery surrounding their birth or that of their little sister or brotherAnd older one day, your child will be able to give this wonderful book to his or her son or daughter and he or she will be able to offer it to friends so that they too can better understand the beginning of life of premature babies in a few pictures
A book that your child will be proud to put in his or her library and take out when he or she needs to remember how his or her first months of life in the "hospital-cocoon" went