This fast-moving and immersive adventure story is set amidst the scenic lochs, mountains and glens of Scotland. It follows the fortunes of a Highland family and other innocent parties who become embroiled inadvertently in the crimes of a Colombian drugs cartel. We are introduced to a host of characters affected by the nefarious activities of drugs baron Jose Maria Serrano, including his young and naive trophy wife, Luz Marina, whom he plucked from the chorus line of the Teatro in Bogota.
The redoubtable and idiosyncratic Detective Superintendent Ramsay from Strathclyde Police is drawn into the international operation after the first murder on Loch Lomond, but even he finds some of the action a little too close to home as the body count mounts.
The novel seeks to understand something of the worlds that its main characters inhabit, together with their personal motives and prejudices. It also looks at the developing relationship between Serrano and his right hand man, Paulo. Both of them clawed their way ruthlessly up the crime ladder from an impoverished childhood on the mean streets of Bucaramanga.
Serrano trusts no-one but Paulo.