Holmes and his friends travel to Egypt to help solve a crime and find a missing person.
But they find much more than they bargained for:
A cult that worships a deadly snake.
Dark Magic.
Can they solve the crime and rescue the person, or is it all too late?
Harry Houdini is many things to the public. A hero. A magician who is almost if not as powerful as Merlin The Magician, and a good friend of Sherlock Holmes.
But in private, he is a kind man, and a man with a troubled heart, who longs to find lasting love.
For years he's had a scary relationship with the daughter of Count Dracula, but now he has met a woman who he can actually think about settling down with.
The trouble is, she doesn't come from his world, and she is a rebel, who will one day have to return to her own world to help it find peace.
Will Harry have to fight beside her to win her love, or is the relationship doomed?
And how can Holmes and his friends help Harry with this double edged romance?
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