Architecture is becoming more global and exchangeable - removed from any location-based identity. Reflecting facades appear to be emblematic for a value system that centers on economic priorities. The form and surface aim to achieve an immediate effect that eliminates discourse. Branding is the objective, making building shells business propositions.
SHAPE shows that global design does not depend on scale or location and the collages in the book offer the reader vistas of the zenith this development has currently reached. Icons of consumer consumption are taken out of context and set in landscapes and cityscapes. This creates the impression of a seemingly natural architectural setting. A SENSAI falcon could just as well be a building in the Qatar skyline. Rem Koolhaas also showed how current this theme is at the Venice biennial. "AbsorbingModernity" is his way of showing how national characteristics are being supplanted through the worldwide adoption of a single modern architectural language and repertoire of typologies.