When students of the Verihdian Institute reach the age of twenty-five, they are required to Pledge to one of the seven Courts of Verihdia. To ensure that they make a well-educated choice, they complete a trial that reveals the Court that they are best suited for. After receiving a less than appealing result, Lexa Cromwell resolves to accept a life devoid of purpose and happiness.
Each year, on the eve of the Pledging Ceremony, the Institute holds a Ball where the Wardens are permitted to attend in hopes of swaying an individual's allegiance and perhaps convince them to Pledge to their Court instead - but a Warden hasn't attended the Ball in years. So, imagine Lexa's surprise when she realizes that not only had every single Warden of Verihdia attended this year's Courting Ball - but they were all there for her.
The envious Warden of The Court of Shadows is known throughout Verihdia for taking exactly what he wants, by any means necessary. And right now, he wants Lexa Cromwell. After seeing her unusual - and frankly impossible - Trial result, he knew he had to have her as a member of his Court. He knows what's at stake and he won't stop until Lexa Cromwell is Pledged to him. Lexa is torn between the most powerful individuals in all of Verihdia as they fight for her loyalty and attention. One burning question still remains - why do they want her, and how far are they willing to go to get her?