A missionary in Italy tries to rescue a woman enslaved in trafficking. A Salt Lake bishop is murdered in his office. A Mormon advice columnist gets into trouble with the Church. Parents arrange to kidnap their missionary son and force him into deprogramming. A disabled woman questions her Patriarchal Blessing's admonition to remain celibate her entire life. A husband chafes when his wife won't let him watch R-rated movies. A desperate man takes horrifying measures to pay his bills. A straight high school senior asks his gay friend to the prom. Even a near-death experience doesn't convince a skeptic of the existence of God. A chaste Single Adult group ventures into the French Quarter on Mardi Gras. God's visit to a fourteen-year-old girl doesn't go as planned. The marriage of a couple who manage to leave the Mormon Church together is newly stressed when one of them becomes a devout member of another organization.