Now available in a student edition, the Handbuch der Stadtbaukunst is a compendium of essential urban design expertise. Using 150 examples from over 70 German cities, it illustrates, analyzes, and compares a wide range of urban spaces, courtyards, squares, and streets. The four-volume work impressively documents the qualities of European cities as described in the Leipzig Charter: beauty and durability, mixed usage, social diversity, density and the separation of public and private spaces. Editor Christoph M ckler builds on the textbooks of the early twentieth century by Cornelius Gurlitt, Raymond Unwin, and Josef St bben and offers a well-grounded framework for city planning.
The student edition is available as a set consisting of volumes 1-4. The individual volumes can also be purchased separately.
Featuring contributions by Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani, Christoph M ckler, Werner Oechslin, Alexander Pellnitz, Jan Pieper, Birgit Roth, Mirjam Schmidt, Wolfgang Sonne, J rg Sulzer and Anne Pfeil, and Thomas Will
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