Self-Compassion: The Secret of Self-Compassion - Learn Self-Compassion and Self-Love Using Tried-and-Tested, Proven Methods.Do you put everyone else first and struggle with even the simplest acts of self-care? There is a fine line between selflessness and self-hate - it's time that you learned the difference. If you find it hard to care for yourself, then you have a problem with self-compassion. Compassion is something that starts within and extends to those around you. Being kind and caring to yourself, instead of critical, pitying and harsh, is so important to your overall health and wellbeing. In Self-Compassion: The Secret of Self-Compassion, I unpack what the term means, and how it can either accelerate, or stall your growth as a person. These proven methods will expose the judgments and limitations that you have been imposing on yourself for far too long. In this inspiring book you'll discover: -How to understand the concept and application of self-compassion-The real benefits of self-compassion and why you need it in your life-How to harness self-compassion to shift into a growth mindset-Why spending time on yourself is not only unselfish, but essential to mental health-How to be less judgmental of yourself, and how to practice care-Critical tips for caring for yourself that no-one else has ever taught youYou have been your own worst enemy for too long. Imagine if you were your own best friend Rediscovering self-compassion will help you embrace what is currently missing in your life. Today, you will choose yourself. You'll take the leap and learn how to break the chains of negative thought patterns that aren't getting you anywhere. Decide to reignite your self-compassion with this amazing guide. Get it now and learn how Sample Excerpt from " Self-Compassion: The Secret of Self-Compassion - Learn Self-Compassion and Self-Love Using Tried-and-Tested, Proven Methods. "If you don't practice self-love and self-compassion, you cannot love or feel compassionate towards others.--Dalai LamaStrangely, most of us can easily express love, compassion, and dignity to others. But it seems to be quite a struggle to turn these important emotions inward. Many of us are led to believe loving and showing compassionate to ourselves is a form of self-indulgence.-I am such an idiot.-I am so bad at this.-Everyone seems to have understood this except me.-I am quite a horrible parent/friend/child/sibling.These negative thoughts about ourselves are a constant, endless chatter in our minds. They never seem to stop. Even when others find something nice to say about us, we tend to see a flaw through that praise.So for example, after a presentation, if someone said to you, "You did great today," many of us auto-tuned to reply with "Yes, but I wish I hadn't made so mistakes" or "I wish I could have done better" or something like this. This approach is not just a reflection of a lack of self-compassion but is also unwittingly a bit put-off for people who try to give you honest, positive feedback.So why is it we are so horrible at self-compassion and self-love? Typically, our inner self seems to be divided in its opinion about us. A part of our inner self is rooting for our happiness, supporting our efforts to achieve success in life. However, another part of this inner self is working against us, putting us down, persistent at being our worst enemy.This "inner critical voice" is continually trying to stop our progress, dent our confidence, and undermine our strengths for inexplicable reasons. This inner critique voice prevents us from pursuing our goals and penalizes mercilessly for our failures and mistakes. Our Book Covers the following topics: - Self-Compassion - Self Love - Self Love for Women - Self Love Healing - Self Love Experiment - Self Compassion - Love Yourself