Make social and emotional learning a way of being--all day, every day, and in any setting
The pandemic and subsequent switch to distance learning combined with recent instances of racial injustice has put a spotlight on the cracks in the practice of social and emotional learning (SEL). More than ever before, schools are shifting their focus and prioritizing SEL competencies--around the nation and the world. The call for compassion has never been greater.
To easily and effortlessly build SEL into virtual, blended, or in-person environments, behavior experts Jessica Djabrayan Hannigan and John Hannigan have drawn together a collection of tools and processes for SEL that can be applied in any learning environment. In SEL from a Distance, you'll learn:
Let this practical, easy-to-use toolkit guide you through embedding these critical SEL competencies into your virtual classrooms and make SEL a way of being for you and your students--anytime, anywhere.