Follow along a simulated Scrabble succession transacted by the author's automated Scrabbler doing brute-force searches.
Try your best to anticipate potentially-optimal moves from opening to game over.
Experience shock and awe as the toiling tiler identifies darling interstices to fill on the steadily elaborating solitaire Scrabble board.
Arouse your curiosity concerning the superhuman efficacy of the uncanny AI algorithm.
Practice makes perfect, and so does observing classic Scrabble masterstrokes.
Full data transparency is provided all along the way.
A double-page dashboard displays the play-by-play status of the Scrabble rack and the Scrabble gameboard.
The informative spread does so from both perspectives: left-to-right as de rigueur and top-to-bottom as you have never seen it before.
The juxtaposition lists the across-only or down-only numbers of tile-placement opportunities by points.
Accompanying each move's dashboard is another digest.
This appendix provides a twofold enumeration of extra Scrabble study fodder:
Sorted by point totals where the individual words may be formed on the board.
Sorted by the formable formidable words where each candidate goes, in which direction across or down and for so many points.
See the Scrabble board better and better with more and more Scrabble practice.
Scrabble Practice is a book series; so stick with it
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