Science of the Supernatural takes the findings of science and applies them to the doctrines of religion. It tells how the natural and the supernatural are just two different parts of the same real universe. It shows why the spiritual realm is unseen by us and yet is as real as the elements that make up the earth. It explains why we mortals can't see the spiritual realm, and yet, the spiritual realm can affect us.
We can contact God and get answers and sometimes even get what are called miracles from him.
It shows how creation came from what we call nothing and how the creation, as given in Genesis, is God organizing what is already there. It tells why the fall of Adam left us in such sad state and how it will be for our benefit in time. It explains how God works with this fallen world. And it explains how to not only search for God as so many do but how to actually find him.
Marvelous and wonderful truths are found when the theories of science are applied to the doctrines and truths of religion. They fit together quite well.