This book of poetry is an acknowledgement of a fact that I have come to learn, that despite the aches and struggles and difficulties abound. The most scarred, discarded and destroyed and tormented hearts are the most beautiful. For they've survived all this, and somehow come to stand, keep beating, remaining living.
The first chapter, 'A Past Still Here' confronts the past, the difficulties, scars and torment suffered at others' hands, but also at my own for being as one said 'too kind', I've come to learn it wasn't being too kind, but believing too much in the kindness of others, even if they don't show you any. The second chapter 'What is This?' focuses on newfound love, feelings and the development from the trauma and scars of the past, learning lessons from those mistakes, though making new ones of my own at this time, a mixup of love and loss and hurt. The third and final chapter 'Perhaps Hope' is learning of difficulty, lessons from the past, learning to hope for more and better again, though knowing, mistakes will be made, I'll be hurt again but I'm growing from what I had been and am trying to be the best, kind person that I can be.
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