As a young boy from the poor side of town, Sonny found that working as a caddie at the local golf course was a way to earn some dimes and dollars. But the lessons learned from golf and life became the valued takeaways from Sonny's childhood.
Are you a frustrated weekend-warrior golfer or simply want to level up your game? Mastering the basics of golf and friendships can go a long way toward improving your experience on the links.
How does a good swing feel?
What's the most important shot of any hole?
Does your etiquette need dusting on the fairway?
Lifelong golfer David "Sonny" Sisler answers those questions and buckets more as he walks you through Savvy Caddie Golf Secrets. You'll reimagine the course as a highway, learn how to save your slices for pizza rather than golf, improve camaraderie on the course, and most importantly, increase your enjoyment of the game and life.
In this fun, lighthearted book of secrets, strategies, and tips, David will loosen your grip and your attitude. You need only to put his instructions into practice.