"For God's sake, kill me!" Cried undercover DEA Agent Bonnie McCord to members of the Sola Mesa Drug Cartel as they repeatedly raped her. In Bolivia, where DEA agents are prohibited, her supervisors took the risk of assigning her deep in the heart of the drug-producing region to collect critical intelligence on cartel operations. Her cover was blown by both the US Embassy and a vindictive jilted suitor. Would she spend the remaining days of her life as a "trophy whore" for the Sola Mesa Drug Cartel bosses?
The US Government disclaimed knowledge of her actions and denied any diplomatic or military action to free her. The US President considered her expendable, because good relations with Bolivia outweighed the benefits of sending in a military team to free her.
When a regional CIA Director refused to accept the fact that the US was doing nothing to free McCord, he used his contacts and resources to gather a seasoned and experienced group of retired Special Forces to free her. Would the deals with the devil and illegal covert actions they employed be enough? Or would she be left behind?