This work comprises of all basic understanding of political, economic, intellectual, social, financial, ideological factors and related issues which shaped the world, both positively and negatively. International politics is the vast discipline which simply embraces the relationship that exists among the comity of Nations. Components such as war, peace, religion, territory, sovereignty, nation, diplomacy, arms, and leadership are all the criteria through which the subject can be grasped. The politics and world order in the 21st century are more economical than any other.
Scarcity of vital resources, suzerainty, mutual suspicion, arms-race, scientific and technological know-how, political hypocrisy, one-upmanship, regime change and ideology are all contemporary factors which shapes and determines the nature of the present world civilization. Be it a boon or bane, the present world order is in the hands of ideal leadership which has the ultimate responsibility to save and protect the present generation from the shackles of parochial interests of individual nations.