La RVR - Santa Biblia, por su pr ctico y sencillo dise o, es la herramienta perfecta para el Evangelismo. Fu utilizada en la exitosa campa a "28 a la vez", alcanzando a trav s de ella a m s de 1 mill n de personas para Cristo.
Su nueva edici n, permite al lector conocer el mensaje de Dios para el mundo, brind ndole un Plan de Salvaci n, claro y preciso, que transformar su vida.
Es un magn fico regalo, para que millones de personas m s, sigan siendo alcanzadas por Jesucristo, a trav s de esta Biblia.
Caracter sticas:
P gina de dedicatoria.Plan de Salvaci n.Letra Comfort Print de f cil lectura.Tama o de letra 8 puntos.RVR77, Holy Bible, Economic Edition, Softcover
The RVR - Holy Bible, due to its practical and simple design, is the perfect tool for Evangelism. It was used in the successful campaign "28 a la vez", reaching more than 1 million people for Christ.
Its new edition allows the reader to know God's message to the world, giving him a clear and precise Plan of Salvation that will transform his life.
It is a magnificent gift, so that millions of other people continue to be reached by Jesus Christ, through this Bible.
Dedication page.Salvation Plan.Easy-to-read Comfort Print font.Font size 8 points.Related Subjects
Bible Bibles Biblical Christian Christian Books & Bibles Christianity Religion Religion & Spirituality