The road to Hell is paved with good intentions...
Chernobyl in 1986. Vietnam in 1967. Pakistan in 2011. Todd York is a time traveling soldier, jumping from one crucial historical incident to another, changing the past as he goes. Committing sabotage, assassinations, and acts of slaughter that haunt his dreams. Trying in vain to prevent the pivotal event that triggers the Third World War.
Only the plan isn't working, and the body count just keeps climbing. When he can stomach no more of the killing... When he is sickened beyond belief by what he's done and who he has become, York disappears into the old west.
But the organization he works for won't allow him to escape. They can't leave a rogue operative running loose through time with a device that can alter the course of history. Someone has to travel back to 1887 and hunt York down.
And who could possibly be better for that mission than Todd York himself?
If you want to find your worst enemy, just look in the mirror...