Years after the death of Valentine Frankland, his youngest son Ryan feels the need to follow in his father's footsteps. Just as he wish to become a federal agent, his family, and friends, along with many of his father's friends tried to dissuade Ryan from his decision to become a government agent the same as his father. But Ryan is determined to follow his dad and become a government agent. After much arguing and shouting, Ryan succeeds in joining the agency where his father had worked. The training is hard, but he is more than a match for anything they can throw at him. Finally, he is rewarded with a trip to Italy where he will learn from a man who had been taught by his father. The challenges he must now face are much more demanding and a whole lot more dangerous than anything he has ever faced before. All his life he has been told that he is just like his dad. Now he will discover if he is genuinely like the legend that was Valentine Frankland, he must now find out if he has what it takes to make this time his make it Ryan's Time.