Rowland Hill was humorous, but he was a great deal more, and those who know his lifework will not remember him as exemplifying one single quality, but as a good, childlike man in whom nothing for Christ was restrained. Considering him as he was overall, we will not soon see anyone like him again. There was no dishonesty or duplicity in him. He loved his Lord and the souls of men, and he threw all his might into the pursuit of doing good. Certainly few men were ever more unselfish.
People called him eccentric because they themselves were out of center. With his great heart, calm soul, wise mind, and loving nature, he had learned to wait upon his Lord, and so had found the right center and true course for his being. At first, the press had its sneers for him, but it could not lessen the respect in which he was held, and in due time it turned around and joined in the chorus of his praise. His riper years were full of honor, and like his younger days, they were full of fruit unto God.