This book is about my own personal experiences. I was very young when I first discovered that life wasn't all sweetness and light. My story starts with my first experience of love and the harshness of reality. Whilst I realise that there are many people that have probably experienced far worse than myself, I can only give them my sympathy and hope that eventually life will treat them better. On the other hand, I have come across people that seem to sail through life without a care in the world. I recall a conversation I once had with a good friend, where we both felt that maybe ignorance was bliss. If you don't think about things too much you tend not to see the bad. The second part of my story is still a little bit of a puzzle, as I still don't know the absolute truth, I wonder if I ever will. I have never been a materialistic person, I don't need to own things, or to go on expensive holidays, which is probably why I find it so hurtful that people can put money and possessions before others. Its very easy to feel sorry for someone, but far more rewarding to be able to help someone when they need it. I write what I feel, which can sometimes please and other times offend. It is not my intention to deliberately hurt someone but I do tend to speak my mind nowadays rather than bottle it up inside and find that I, once again, am the only person that is hurting.