Learning that he is sterile and has been for some time was devastating enough to Ty Jaymes. The crushing blow, however, was in the knowledge that if the doctors were correct, not only had his wife lied and been unfaithful but also that the son he'd raised from birth was not the fruit of his loins. This, added to the betrayal of his mother, who at best tolerated him as a child and, at worse, disdained the thought that he was his father's son, was more than he could stand.
When a night of drinking ends in the vicious sexual assault of a woman in the bar's parking lot, Ty finds himself facing charges that make his family troubles seem trivial by comparison.
Prison was not an easy adjustment for Ty. Trouble above that of the average inmate dogged him at every turn. A confrontation with another offender leaves him permanently blind, further destroying what had once been an all but perfect life.
To survive in mind, body, and soul, Ty will have to change the way he thinks, the way he feels, the way he acts. And with the love of a good woman, he does just that.
Released from prison and the owner of the most unique restaurant in Houston, again, he finds himself at the pinnacle of life, his world all but perfect. When the horrors of the past begin to haunt his future, his world is crushed anew. No way could this be happening to him again. No way. But it is.