Enjoy Incredible Wildlife and Animal Photography
Featuring Yellowstone, Grand Teton, and Wyoming
Jackson Hole is home to some of the most iconic landscapes in North America. In this land of harsh winters and short summers, wildlife survives and thrive. People from all around the world travel here to savor both the rare vistas of the high Rockies and have the chance to observe bear, moose and elk.
It is an environment like no other, covered in snow most of the year yet blanketed by wildflowers for a few precious months. This place is both powerful and delicate.
"The Chapel of the Transfiguration is the most beautiful little log church that I have ever seen."
Grover Ratliff has lived in Jackson for over a decade and has pursued his passion of capturing the Wyoming scenery with a joyous zeal. Through his eyes, you will experience Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks in a new way.
Only by patience and perseverance was Grover able to photograph the images in this work. Experience the images that took ten years of dedication to create.
Feast your eyes on the images you wanted to see in Jackson Hole.
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